The Seedlings…I Hope…
Part of my plan for being ready to entertain at a moment’s notice, is having fresh flowers on the table…or at least somewhere in the house so that guests can see and enjoy them. Now I am not someone who enjoys shopping and making endless stops at the bakery and the florist and the produce market and the wine shop. It’s one stop shopping for me or it doesn’t happen at all. I really wish I loved to spend my time getting the best from the best, but it’s just not me. My dream is that someday I will live within walking distance from all those kinds of shops so I can just pick things up on my way home from wherever I’ve been that day, but for now this is all I’ve got!
One way to take fresh flowers off the shopping list is to have a strategically planned, cutting garden out in the back yard so anytime I need a bouquet, I can go out and cut my own. Now, to be honest, I am not known among family or friends as a good gardener. I’ve had a few successes in my day (yes, succulents count!), but overall, if there’s no drip-line watering system, I end up being more of a weed and mud master. This year is going to be different. I know I can do this.
For my birthday, I decided to treat myself to 3 raised plant beds to be built on our side yard. I’ve wanted this for years and now is the time. The beds will be built by the end of February at the latest, which is perfect timing for me to get some plants started from seeds now so I can transplant into the beds once they are ready. Living in a mild, coastal climate – I don’t have to worry too much about frost and if there is a threat, I’m prepared with my frost protection. More on that later…After doing a little research, I’ve chosen to start with some hardy annuals – I hope they’re hardy enough to withstand me! Foxglove, Belles of Ireland, Stock and Sweet Peas (because I love them). I’ve planted the seeds in seedling trays, watered, put the tops on and placed in a sunny spot in our house so they can germinate and grow a bit before it’s time to put them out in my new flower beds! I had extra space in the trays, so have decided to plant more seeds in a couple of weeks or so, in order to have a second wave of plants coming up. I can’t wait to see these babies grow…